vorige duikterug naar het logboekjevolgende duik
Duik van Verbree gemaakt op 11 Dec 2011 om 13:48

Buddy(s) - Scott Curtis 28-8-1963
Duikduur - 55
Maximale diepte - 30.5
Gemiddelde duikdiepte - 16.5
Duikstek - Woodhouse Reef
Bootduik - ja
Driftduik - nee
Extra diepe duik - nee
Nachtduik - nee
Decoduik - nee
Oefenduik - nee
Begeleidingsduik - nee
IJsduik - nee
Wrakduik - nee
Zicht - zeer_goed
Watertemperatuur - 22
Bijzonderheden -
Woodhouse - Located between Thomas reef and Jackson Reef, Woodhouse Reef is narrow and long and thus offers no shelter at all to boats. This dive is done only as a drift dive. The most interesting part of the reef is the northern half of the eastern side, with a canyon that opens at a depth of about 30m. To one side of the canyon you will find an amazing specimen of a red anemone, brightly luminescent and a photographers dream. It has great potential for Sea Turtles, Jackfish and Eagle Rays but divers do need to be careful of strong currents at the northern end and poor weather conditions upon surfacing the dive. Local scuba divers have nicknamed the area between Woodhouse Reef and Jackson Reef the 'washing machine' due to a powerful eddy caused by whirling currents and strong winds.
Grotduik - nee
- Soort water -
Bergmeer - nee
Lijnduik - nee
Soort pak - nat
Soort lucht - perslucht
Flesinhoud - 15
- Beginaantal bar -
- Eindaantal bar -
- Stroomduik -
Fotografie -
Hoeveelheid Lood - 8
helmduik/volgelaatmasker - nee
Examenduik - nee
Luchtverbruik per minuut - 17.5
Duikgebied - Egypte Sinai
Landcode - Egypte (eg)

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