vorige duikterug naar het logboekjevolgende duik
Duik van Verbree gemaakt op 28 Mar 2015 om 10:39

Buddy(s) - Ahmed H. Yossif 649732
Duikduur - 62
Maximale diepte - 25.6
Gemiddelde duikdiepte - 11.3
Duikstek - Marsa Halg Salmaan
Bootduik - ja
Driftduik - nee
Extra diepe duik - nee
Nachtduik - nee
Decoduik - nee
Oefenduik - nee
Begeleidingsduik - nee
IJsduik - nee
Wrakduik - nee
Zicht - zeer_goed
Watertemperatuur - 22
Bijzonderheden -
Halg Salmaan Salmaan's throat - a cut in the reef that doesn't reach the shore - is a site that is relatively undived. 2 very different dive sites are available here, between them a lagoon that often welcomes pods of Spinner Dolphins. Sites include: �Maksour - Arabic for 'broken', Maksour's reef wall is littered with overhangs, cracks and swim-thrus. A small but deep canyon and a pinnacle so large you have to chicane around it are highlights, but start to explore the shallows and you will find a table coral as big as any you've seen before and fire coral formations that play host to pipefish and cleaner wrasse. �Hadana - Meaning 'nursery' this dive has one of those amazing pinnacles that juvenile fish use for shelter and protection. You'll reach it by crossing over a sand patch where you may be lucky enough to see an eagle ray or 2 hunting. The pinnacle itself marks the start of a small lagoon that is home to packs of large Black and twinspot snappers, and a large napoleon wrasse prowls the entire reef wall.
Grotduik - nee
- Soort water -
Bergmeer - nee
Lijnduik - nee
Soort pak - nat
Soort lucht - perslucht
Flesinhoud - 15
Luchtdruk bij aanvang - 210
Luchtdruk einde duik - 60
- Stroomduik -
Getij - inter
Fotografie -
Hoeveelheid Lood - 12
helmduik/volgelaatmasker - nee
Examenduik - nee
Luchtverbruik per minuut - 17
Duikgebied - Marsa Alam
Landcode - Egypte (eg)