vorige duikterug naar het logboekjevolgende duik
Duik van Verbree gemaakt op 08 Apr 2018 om 11:09

Buddy(s) - Philippe Baudoin 22/04/1968 0911EJ2906
Duikduur - 52
Maximale diepte - 42.4
Gemiddelde duikdiepte - 12.8
Duikstek - Ras El Torsa
Bootduik - ja
Driftduik - nee
Extra diepe duik - nee
Nachtduik - nee
Decoduik - nee
Oefenduik - nee
Begeleidingsduik - nee
IJsduik - nee
Wrakduik - nee
Zicht - zeer_goed
Watertemperatuur - 24
Bijzonderheden -
Good visibility and excellent corals are a safe bet in R.E.T. and there is always the chance to see turtles, rays and even sharks. Sites include: • Etnin Galawa - The 'two lagoons' are poised between beds of some of the most intact coral you will see. Being a dive on the east facing wall this is often achieved by a boat drop and zodiac pickup, using the drift to explore the reef wall. Hawksbill turtles are regular visitors and there is a pinnacle infested with boxer shrimp for the macro lovers, but the coral is the star with beds of goniopora mixing it with huge salad corals. • Abu Siyal - The boat moors in a natural lagoon that forms the most northern part of a sprawling bay. Here a sand strip that starts at 5mt separates the main reef from a series of beds that form a drop-off. Pufferfish and goatfish can be found on the sand patch and the drop off is covered in anthias and other small fish life. Exploring further south you could spot a turtle or two, but on the way back watch out at 9mt for one of the most picturesque pinnacles in this area, complete with a totally undamaged table coral that plays host to the secretive lemon coral goby. • Kora Kebir - For advanced divers only, seeing the 'big ball' loom out of the distance at a depth of 25mt is a memorable experience. On the outer edge of this unique coral formation the drop off extends below 50mt and you are right out in the blue, meaning big life encounters are possible. Coming across a deep sand plateau back to the main reef you may encounter a large resident school of barracuda before exploring the shallows of the reef wall to end your dive. • Shaab Salata - Named after some very large and vivid salad corals, this dive is usually done by zodiac one- way. In amongst the coral beds you can find hawksbill turtles and all the usual red sea fish, but the lucky few may well spot the resident black-tip reef shark. It pays to keep your head up on this one!
Grotduik - nee
- Soort water -
Bergmeer - nee
Lijnduik - nee
Soort pak - nat
Soort lucht - perslucht
Flesinhoud - 15
Luchtdruk bij aanvang - 200
Luchtdruk einde duik - 50
- Stroomduik -
Fotografie -
Hoeveelheid Lood - 14
helmduik/volgelaatmasker - nee
Examenduik - nee
Luchtverbruik per minuut - 20.2
Duikgebied - Marsa Alam
Landcode - Egypte (eg)