vorige duikterug naar het logboekjevolgende duik
Duik van Verbree gemaakt op 12 Dec 2007 om 10:33

Buddy(s) - Margaret AI3346
Duikduur - 41
Maximale diepte - 22
Gemiddelde duikdiepte - 15.5
Duikstek - Excalibur (Wreck Susanne)
Bootduik - ja
Oefenduik - nee
Begeleidingsduik - nee
Wrakduik - ja
Zicht - zeer_goed
Watertemperatuur - 23
Bijzonderheden -
Mooie Wrakduik voor de kust van Hurghada Excalibur is now known to all as the wreck Suzanna as at the time of her sinking she was being used as a dive liveaboard belonging to a small dive centre called Suzanne. The Excalibur was a beautiful twin mast motor and sail vessel, around 22m in length and originally finished in white and light blue, with dark blue framing. She sank some time between November 1995 and February 1996. She now rests upright (with a slight lean towards her starboard) in a small sand lagoon in 22 metres of water. Coral boulders surround the lagoon perimeter making for a surreal setting. Much mystery surrounds her demise. What is certain is that she suffered significant fire damage to her main cabin section and the fact that this damage, although severe, is very central suggests that shortly after fire broke out she slipped beneath the waves.
- Soort water -
Soort pak - nat
Soort lucht - perslucht
Flesinhoud - 15
Luchtdruk bij aanvang - 210
Luchtdruk einde duik - 50
- Stroomduik -
Fotografie -
Hoeveelheid Lood - 12
helmduik/volgelaatmasker - nee
Examenduik - nee
Luchtverbruik per minuut - 20
Duikgebied - Hurghada
Landcode - Egypte (eg)

  • Susanne Wrak, Hurghada Egypte zeenaald